We are a private non-profit organization receiving Federal funding from the US Department of Health & Human Services, the US Department of Education, and the Social Security Administration, providing Protection & Advocacy (P&A) services.
PAIMI – Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness
Must have a Mental Illness with alleged rights violation
PADD – Protection & Advocacy for Developmental Disabilities
Must have three functional limitations manifested prior the age 22 with alleged rights violation
PAIR – Protection & Advocacy for Individual Rights
Must have physical or mental disability with alleged rights violation
PAAT – Protection & Advocacy for Assistive Technology
Must have a need for Assistive Technology (AT) and eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), Medicaid, Medicare, IDEA or Section 504
PATBI – Protection & Advocacy for Traumatic Brain Injury
Must have a traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) with alleged rights violation
PABSS – Protection & Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security
Must have a beneficiary of Social Security and seeking employment with alleged rights violation
SPSSB – Strengthening Protection for Social Security Beneficiaries
Must be a beneficiary of Social Security with a Rep Payee and alleging misuse of benefits
CAP – Client Assistance Program
Must be applying for or receiving VR Services and disputing VR decisions or actions